Friday, February 18, 2011


I sent a V8 yesterday.

It was a good day; warmed up, sent a fun V5, flashed a V6 (which I thought must be soft, but everyone else had more trouble on it than on the V5, so....), and started working on green and white. It had a fun start; heel hook around a corner, hold awkwardly onto slopey rails, up and slap around the corner to a hold, and then the crux---figuring out what the deuce to do with a big blocky hold with only one good spot, and no good feet to use so as not to barndoor.

Anyhow, I worked out a sequence, and then the next few moves weren't so bad, and so it was sent.

My automatic reaction is that if I sent it (in particular, in one session), that it can't be a V8. I think I need to let that view go.

I had never sent a V8, and so anything I could sent I always assumed was a V7 or less (this is more relevant at the coop, where problems are not always graded), and honestly, that doesn't make sense to hold onto that view. I am getting stronger. If the consensus is that that climb was a V8, then I have sent a V8. Maybe a soft one, I'm not sure, but I need to accept that yes, I can climb that grade.

I'm getting stronger. Onwards and upwards.

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